Using Design to Deepen Relationships in the Financial Sector

Bridgeable Breakfast Series • July 6 2017

Start the day off right with some inspiration and food for thought! How can design support the building of relationships within the financial sector — with customers, clients, advisors, and within an organisation?
We are very excited to host three leaders who will share some of their experiences using design in a financial sector context. Each presenter will share a 10-minute thought-starter, followed by an informal panel Q&A.
Karen Behboudi is the VP of Digital Marketing at CI Investments, and she will share her lessons learned using design research techniques to understand the advisor landscape.
Tom Creighton is the Design Director at Wealthsimple, and he will share how design enables relationships with their customers through their financial products and services.
Janet Jones is a Design Strategist at Scotiabank Digital Factory. She will share how design research methods help to reveal customers’ relationship to banking services and how those insights shape product decisions.
Breakfast is on us! Looking forward to seeing you there.